Most ISPs will only offer you simple POP3 E-mail. That's fine for may customers, but what if you want more from your E-mail ?

Here at Wesa Internet we are pleased to be able to off you an E-mail solution to suit your needs. Some solutions are better if you are always on-the-move, another may suit you if you tend to stay in one place whilst others will suit you better if you prefer to run your own mail server.
All of our E-mail solutions have the option of adding of both our Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam facilities should you need them.
Please explore the variety of E-mail products we offer to determine which is just right for you.
Whichever one you decide upon, you can be sure that it will be the fastest and most reliable E-mail solution you'll ever use.
To use POP3 E-mail, all you need is an internet connection, a POP3 E-mail account and an e-mail client that supports POP3. An e-mail client is a piece of software on your PC that can collect e-mail, display for you to read and also send e-mail. You probably already have an e-mail client... all recent versions of Windows have Outlook Express built-in. If you have Microsoft Office on your PC then you also have Outlook (not to be confused with Outlook Express). There are many others, some free, such as Eudora, Thunderbird, etc. The one you choose to use is entirely up to you. They all do the same thing but look and feel slightly different



we offer unbeatable


services, to meet your coporate and individual e-mailing needs